27 February 2015

A walk through the “Old City”, the Città vecchia

A ray of colour

“Often, on my way home I walk along some dark street of the old town. Yellow is the reflection of some headlight in a puddle, and crowded is the street.”

(Umberto Saba, “Trieste and a woman”, 1912)

That is how, as I walk along Zità Vecia (that’s how it’s called in Triestino dialect), I see yellow reflected not in a puddle but from my bright Braintropy handbag.


Yes, a drop of color for a simple yet particular look: black slim trousers by FiftyFour, combined with a soft white shirt from Kai-aakmann, allows the pattern of the white Numph sweater to stand out.

The shoes of soft leather with a decorated heel from Collection Privèe create a slightly seductive look.


I believe accessories to be a must because they define, complete and enhance the look of the outfit and the personality of who is wearing it.

I chose to add some jewelry from Tomoko Tokuda, my great passion (of whom I talk about in more detail in the section “HandMade”): pendent earrings, with an asymmetrical balance that is the trademark of all the artist’s unique pieces.

And all we need to do is change one of our clothing items to change the outfit: away with the sweater, substituted by a jacket by Numph, and we are ready for a nice evening out!

Carolina isn’t used to walking in high heels, so no point in suffering: with the speed of a Formula 1 pit Stop she’s now wearing the shiny heel-less shoes by United Nude. As comfortable as gloves, thanks to the soft leather, but with strong color mixes. She certainly won’t go unnoticed…


Now that the walk around the old town is over we are ready for our evening out.

And who knows where our curiosity will take us tomorrow and what new things we will discover…

Photography by  Cavicchi http://instagram.com/ralfmalf

Sweater – trousers – handbag – shirt –jacket – jewelry

(Bardot Via Madonna del Mare ,2/b Trieste http://bardotrieste.blogspot.it )


(No Name Largo Riborgo, 2 Trieste)

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