25 July 2015

Vienna. Wondering around the capital (2/2)

In between cafés, carriages and lots of young people

Our tour to discover this beautiful city resumes from the royal residence of Belvedere Castle. There’s so much to see and very little time. How can we unite the two things? Well, with a wonderful carriage ride, worthy of a Royal Hapsburg family. Passing though the streets of the centre, we observe, with our noses up in the air, all the splendour and the elegance that this city’s architecture expresses!

Here’s what we saw…











After lots of walking around, tired and worn out, my sister, who loves Liberty, dragged us to a very characteristic place, hidden along a small street of the centre. It’s the Loos American Bar, a place that hasn’t altered its appearance since 1908; as you enter you can feel the refined air of that time.




Obviously you can’t miss a stop at the famous Cafe Sacher, with it’s connected shop.



But as all this is a bit too commercial, after a while it gets on my nerves, so for coffee and pastries we stopped at Gerstner, a beautiful and neat place that since 1847 prepares heavenly treats for Viennese people or tourists.








As my sister and I sip a delicious coffee, my husband and son go and visit the l’Heeresgeschichtliches Museum (the Museum of Military history). They disappeared for four hours and come back filled with enthusiasm: “Just 3 euros to visit the best museum I’ve ever seen; the oldest and largest museum of military history in the world!” was my husbands comment. As a history enthusiast he immediately showed us a series of photographs that depicted the scene of the murder of Franz Ferdinand and the “various collected evidence”. There was even the car where the Archduke and his wife were assassinated in Sarajevo and the uniform he was wearing.

Last time I saw my husband so thrilled was the day Giovanni was born… So if you too, like him, are passionate about history, I’m sure that visiting this museum will make you happy.







In the evening our guide (my sister) took us to visit an incredible place: MQ, the Museums Quartier, one of the ten largest buildings in the world dedicated to art. It’s placed in the Neubau district, occupies an area of 60.000 m² and inside it has Baroque buildings and modern buildings.

In the evening the place fills with young people that spend their time chatting together in harmony.

Another day is over, and with it also our wonderful trip. Ready to return home, I bring back with me a wonderful memory of Vienna, of the Empire, of an ended time, the dresses, the waltz and royal parties … and I let myself fell nostalgic…



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