6 April 2015

You don’t need much to be stylish…

Guess how much I spent?

A spring outfit that reflects my “light” mood and that everyone really liked. So much that I decided to reveal the places of my shopping and, especially, the prices.

I’m part of that group of people convinced that there’s no need to get into debt to be “stylish”. Don’t you believe me? Try (read) to believe!

How much do you think I spent for my entire outfit? Let’s have a look!

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I bought the laced boots in grey suede on sale from Diffusione Tessile for 40 euros. The cotton trousers from Benetton were 29.90 euros, a basic model from a few years ago.

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A sweater from Promod for 7 euros, bought on sale. A great idea, or actually great luck! 😉

The lace that you can see is a tank top bought –always from Diffusione Tessile – for just 5 Euros, in a super sale when the shop moved.


The little coat is from Max Mara Pop, and it was an investment-purchase for the future, one of those things that you buy with the certainty that sooner or later you’ll have the chance to wear them. I found it in Bologna, for only 10 Euros.

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The strong point of the outfit is the handbag. All women (and even some men) know how special a handbag can be, a small portable house, that as well as being an essential accessory for our look is also a little kingdom where you keep all your secrets.

I bought it years ago in Milan. It’s part of that category of objects “Timeless beautiful things”. Made of wonderful leather, indestructible, that has a bone clasp and is from Trussardi! Also this time I found it in a super sale: 180 Euros.


And last, the vintage accessory, never missing in my outfits. This time it’s a leather mint color glove, perfectly matched to all the rest of the outfit and that I bought for 10.00 Euros!

So, calculator on hand, how much did I spend? Not much more than 100 Euros (not counting the handbag) to dress myself in a lovely original way! Not bad, right? 


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