29 January 2016

Always: In Trieste we finally have organic cosmeceuticals

The key is to take care of ourselves. ALWAYS!

As you know, I usually don’t talk about beauty or even shops in my posts, but this latest discovery called for a pleasant exception.

I know you are always on the look out for new and particular things, just like I am, so I’d like to share this stop I made at Always, and because MissClaire always has nice thoughts for you, you will also have the chance to experience the same treatments I tried.

Always apre a Trieste a Ottobre del 2015, da un sogno di Estella. Classe del ’92, Estella eredita la passione per la cosmetica da sua madre e ispirata da questa tradizione familiare, ne intraprende lo studio, diplomandosi come Make up Artist a Milano alla BCM (Beauty Center Milano). Dopo diverse esperienze nel settore moda, trucco sposa e collaborazioni con alcune case di cosmesi, decide di farsi strada da sola, aprendo a tutti le porte del suo piccolo scrigno di cosmeceutica (unione delle parole cosmetica e farmaceutica).

Always opened in Trieste in October 2015, from Estella’s inspiration. Class of ’92, Estella inherited her passion for cosmetics from her mother, and inspired by this family tradition she studied and graduated as a Make up Artist at Milan’s BCM (Beauty Center Milan). After working a little in the fashion industry, as a wedding make up artist and for a few cosmetic companies, she decided to take her own path and open her small cosmeceutical (union of the words cosmetic and pharmaceutical) boutique.





As you step inside you feel it’s different from the classic cosmetic shop, and it can’t be called such, because all products she selects for her shop are NATURAL, ORGANIC, PROFESSIONAL, NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS, WITHOUT PARABENS OR SILICONES, so a research work that covers all the world. In fact the cosmetic brands are from Australia (Grown Alchemist), from Sweden (Brecourt), from California (COOLA organic suncare collection), from Austria (Susanne Kaufmann) and …hear hear, from Trieste (ALIUS essenze e benessere – essences and wellness).

Incredible! Here in Trieste we have our own personal cosmeceutical company, almost entirely organic, that has different lines of products: face products, UV protection, a children lineand much more for personal care.

Alius was thought as a cosmetics line to support the Lucia Torricianci method, Estella tells me, with it’s founding principle of “Before fighting the problem, we have to restore the balance of body and mind”.


But at ALWAYS there are also artist perfumes, like Fueguia from Patagonia, Meo Fusciuni from Sicily, Jeroboam from France and English Heeley (produced in France) and Cristina Bellodi from Modena with her scented candles made in alcohol-free wax and with scents created by professionals.

And as I become completely absorbed by Estella’s story about Always, I find myself on a armchair in front of a celebrity mirror, the ones surrounded by lights, and for a moment I feel immersed in a cotton cloud.




Estella shows me the Laura Mercier make-up line she chose, and so starts a unique and pleasant experience: a personalized make-up session, where my face turns into a white canvas on which Estella draws, defines and enhanced her vision of me!

An hour of suggestions, an hour of cuddles and an hour that you can experience too!



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Along with Always we have decided to dedicate an entire day to MissClaire’s followers, where you are entitles to the same treatment I had: personalized make-up.

The date will be the 27th February 2016.

What to do? You need to book your spot at the following number: +39 040.322 3374 (there are a limited number of available places). You will be guests at Always, and Estella will cuddle you as she did with me, an hour immerged in this wonderful place in Trieste.

Ph. Andrea Zangrando


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