27 September 2015

Trieste : Barcolana 2015 - 47th edition

A thousand events to experience

From the 2nd until the 11th of October, Trieste hosts the Barcolana, one of the most important International sailing competitions (I had already told you about it in an old post).


On this occasion my city is an explosion of life, Boats of every size and model. Professional sailors, competitive, fierce and ready to face chance to get first place, as well as amateurs that see the competition as a fun day to enjoy together (some dance to blazing music, some have barbecues and others join along with the most peculiar crews). Families, children , sea enthusiasts, the Barcolana has room for everyone.

A party is guaranteed.




The events you shouldn’t miss are all on the FuoriRegata calendar (like the famous FuoriSalone from Milan). They are the most glamorous and fun events.

Not to anger any sail boat lover, but I believe that as always, everything that happens “on the outside” is often more interesting; this is especially true for me as I’m no great athlete.

For the past three years, three exceptional woman have pulled their sleeves up and organized the FuoriRegata, a series of events that connect different activities; from cooking to shopping, from art to photography.

Many companies from Trieste have joined with enthusiasm. It’s really easy to know which ones these are: you just search for the many white sails around the city (created especially with real sail material and they all have their own serial number) that signal the places that have joined in this ambitious project.

If you want to get an idea of how it works, go visit the website where you can find information and details. So that’s enough for now, start clicking about to organize a tour of Trieste so that the Barcolana can enchant you and you can have fun with the FuoriRegata!







Special thanks to Andrea Zangrando for photos and video!


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