The sky is full of stars and the sea reflects a shining moon. A fresh breeze cools down the last of the summer’s heat. These are the first feelings you experience during this perfect evening in which Portopiccolo hosts “Solisti del Gusto” (the soloist of taste) of Friuli Venezia Giulia Via Dei Sapori.

Along the streets and the in the little squares, 21 of the most famous chefs in the region prepare their dishes, combined with many local wines, and 16 “artists of taste” present their products.
I can’t obviously describe plate by plate in detail, nor the sensations felt at the moment of the tasting, but I assure you there were moments in which my taste buds were jubilant at the deliciousness and the love with which these chefs explain their meals.
Since the start of the event I understood that it would be unforgettable, starting with a welcome with wild oysters (Jolanda de Colò) “troublesome because when the sea surges you can’t collect them”, completely different from the farmed ones. And then it is all a succession of incredible and pure tastes, like the combination of gilt-head (sea) bream Carpaccio with spiced porcini mushrooms (Da Nando), and some local treats, like the 18 herbs risotto (Al Grop), perfect in its simplicity. And then smoked salmons with lime peel that testimonies that in San Daniele they don’t only make exceptional ham (Friultrota), ingredients that apparently look poor like bread sauce, that combined with shrimp and wild fennel seeds are a divine treat (Da Toni), Mitterleuropean tastes like ricotta with buckwheat, apples and horse radish (Sale e Pepe).

It’s time for the 21 desserts! There are biscuits as well as puddings , many of which have the grappa Nonino among their ingredients, from the hazelnut and almond pie (Locanda Devetak) to a cream with cheeses and small fruits, where the Quintessentia liquor is enclosed in small gelatin pearls (Vitello d’Oro).
The white wines, an excellence of our Collio, and the spirits complete the food festival and enhance the success of a dinner show that was a real success, testified by the great turnout (the event was sold out days before), and by the satisfied expression of the participants.

Photography Alessia Della Rossa